Hi I'm Alex-Ann

I hate bad customer service, and a few years ago, I hit my breaking point. Why is it that so many businesses locally and internationally have such bad customer service? That's a question I realized I could answer.

I had the experience, the expertise the skills and most of all the passion to help businesses capitalize on their business goals through their customer's experience. A happy customer is a loyal customer, and loyal customers multiply. I love knowing that I can help turn complaints into compliments and customers into communities so that businesses can really thrive. Remember, happy people = happy pockets

As a certified customer experience specialist, project management and operations expert, I've combined my expertise to create something truly magical

Choose from courses, 1:1 opportunities, workshops and speaking engagements where I can help you mobilize what you need to get to the next level.

Ready to get started? Find Your Answer Here


Nastacia Brady, Sevven Braid Studio
Nastasia Brady
Sevven Braid Studio

Very straight forward and informative. I'm absolutely happy I took this course. As a braider this will definitely help my day to day interactions with my clients. I definitely recommend this course to everyone.

Dionne Reid,
Chef Manager

We recruited Spike's services to train our restaurant staff. We found the team to be thorough in getting to understand our organizational structure as well as our needs. Alex uses multiple tools to relay the information to her trainees and makes the customer service sessions interactive and concise. The material is carefully curated based on the environment and her steps and recommendations ar easy to follow and implement. Based on the feedback we have been getting on our customer service since the training, it would be remiss of us not to recommend this service. The passion of SP!KE's team easily translates. A worthy investment in your staff indeed.

Santana Spence, Yardie Cosmetics
Santana Spence
Yardie Cosmetics

I am so happy there is a business out there to help us as small business owners to be prepared for our customers and the many different personalities we have to deal with. Thank you for the amazing course. Educational and precise! This course is great for entrepreneurs who want to learn how to separate personal emotions when running a business. Best decision I've ever made working with you. Thank you for your positive impact on our business growth."

Evesha Kenlyn M.D.
The Donut Avenue

As a first time business owner with no experience, developing my company was a very scary process. But thanks to the incredible help from SP!KE, I was equipped and ready to build my brand. My early stage development plan was strategic and thorough. I learned about all the licenses I would need to legally operate my business as well as other caveats I previously missed. I felt empowered working with SP!KE and I highly recommend their services.

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